SapixCraft Resource Pack is a very popular Texture Pack. It has finally hit the 150.000 downloads milestone. We'll present you SapixCraft Resource Pack today which was made by Sapix. Currently for 1.10/1.10.2/1.10.4 there are three versions of this Pack available: 512x512, 128x128 and 32x32. If you have a pretty fast computer we recommend using the 512x512 version, if possible with an shader. 🙂 For slow computers we recommend the 32x32 version of this Resource Pack.
SapixCraft Resource Pack Screenshots
SapixCraft is an awesome Resource Pack that can significantly improve your minecraft experience by making the game as realistic as possible. Howver it looks more realistic if you use SapixCraft in combination with nice shaders. There are special versions for 1.8, 1.9 and 1.10 of SapixCraft out there. The creator established a website, especially for this artwork.
How to install SapixCraft Original?
We recommend the 4-step installation below
2. Run Minecraft.
3. Navigate from "options" to "Resource Packs" and click "Open resource packs folder".
4. Drag and drop Resource Pack into the folder that just opened.
[wpfa icon="download" size="2x"] Official Download of "SapixCraft Resource Pack"
[wpfa icon="folder-open" size="2x"] Official Download below
Pack Credit: Sapix
Source: sapixproductions.wixsite.com